interactive content statistics 2020

Let’s update ourselves together on the. This number is likely to increase as more and more businesses realize how much money they are leaving on the table by not using a solid, documented content marketing strategy for their business. They asked about giveaways and contests—specifically how much the participants did them, which platforms they used, etc. (2017, March). Prospects and customers decide what content to consume, how and when they want to. Are you consuming analytics on Tableau Server or Tableau Online? Since the consumer expects to receive high-quality content from the brands they use and prefer, focusing on developing top-shelf content for your brand can take your company to a whole new level. Skip directly to main content Skip directly to footer. For now, let’s focus on a handful of types. To help keep you informed, we’ve put together a rundown of all the top content marketing statistics and trends that you need to know in 2020. So, why is content marketing important? Perhaps that’s why the Corporate Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) is expected to rise by a margin of over 30% compared to 2019. Use every blog post as part of your strategy – it will pay off! Using that information, BBC shows you how much the earth has changed in your lifetime. (2020, May). According to the BBC website: “Investigate how the world around you has changed since you’ve been alive; from the amount the sea has risen, and the tectonic plates have moved, to the number of earthquakes and volcanoes that have erupted.”., Gillett, R. (2014, September). By posting more often, you build up trust and credibility. Today you can find a blog post for just about anything. Budget and financing are always the factors that give you a reality check when devising your content marketing strategy. Content marketing strategy is putting out content and having a strategy to promote it. “The Times They Are a-Changin.”... Knowing why your audience should care about your content is essential to adding value to it. If stealing picnic baskets from hikers in a national park isn’t your thing, you’d be smarter than the average marketer to use interactive content.. And why shouldn’t you?, Demand Gen Report., McCoy, E. (2017, September). Creating an optimal content marketing strategy is essential. Your feelings are highly valuable in making effective decisions, especially if you tend to over-intellectualize projects. Blogging is huge in 2020. have a designated employee to monitor content creation. Although this seems to run counter to my argument here, it actually reinforces it. Together they form a synergy that has changed the digital marketing world. This can be done through 360° video, virtual reality, augmented reality, and interactive videos. Speaking of, nearly 80% of marketers agree that interactive content can prove their worth time and time again. Saving Lives, Protecting People. Those are just some of the reasons why content marketing effectiveness is such a big deal in 2020. in terms of leads than outbound marketing. “Customer Engagement Using Interactive Content”. Introduction to Statistics is a resource for learning and teaching introductory statistics. Before viewing the interactive content you may need to download Adobe SVG viewer or Adobe Flash Player, and ensure your browser is compatible. Learn how to interact with content right from your browser. Take your content to the next level with these tips! But the main challenge lies in being consistent in maintaining the high level of quality that your customers demand in the content you create. “Why We’re More Likely To Remember Content With Images And Video (Infographic).”, Keefe, C. (2019, September). 13. eMarketer has found that six out of every ten B2B marketers cite lead generation as their biggest challenge in marketing—something interactive content is good at. 540 North Commercial St, Ste 308 70% of marketers say interactive content is … Here are 10 statistics that prove interactive content is the future of digital marketing. It offers something to every kind of audience, and it is highly personalized, compared to most other approaches. In the United States, someone has a heart attack every 40 seconds. To create value and trust, facts, statistics and quotes could be included in content. Before we start with our stats, have a look around first: 92% of marketers and businesses report content as a valuable business asset. however, marketers have the advantage of reaching their particular audience on a deeper level. Everyone sees the same billboards and pay-per-click ads and hears the same commercials on TV and radio. 603.809.4164. This means that interactive infographics have the unique ability to stand out as visual content that provides value to your audience in the form of information. “20 Examples of Truly Engaging Interactive Content (Updated).”, Nuckols, B. say they use ways to analyze the performance of their blog. (2013, April). Games are notorious for this. Its purpose is to evaluate the quality of an Airbnb listing. have incorporated blogging as a key marketing strategy. Interactive content is not cheap. Almost 3 out of 4 people will recommend a brand based on whether or not they offer giveaways and competitions. We can always use better productivity – there’s always another boundary to push. In other words, the more posts – the better your chances of making a sale! Marketers wish to invest in quality content. (I am sure we all know which number 1 is. 81% of marketers agree that interactive content is much more effective at grabbing people’s attention than static content (2) 8. , the top two types of content used by businesses for content marketing are social media content (95%) and blog posts (89%). Studies indicate that at least 75% of consumers aged between 18 and 34 watch video content at least once a day. When these bits of information are taken together with the fact that the brain can also compute complete images in 13 milliseconds, its little wonder infographics are as popular as they are. Content marketing is an amazing way to reach your audience and have them listen with awe to what you have to say. 605,000 are a first heart attack 3; 200,000 happen to people who have already had a heart attack 3; About 1 in 5 heart attacks is silent—the damage is done, but the person is not aware of it. Importance of Interactive Content. 36.7% of marketers say that creating engaging visual content remains their greatest challenge. But the organic traffic that content marketing will guarantee you will pay off. Basically. The latest statistics show that as many as 87 percent of marketers use email marketing to disseminate their content (Content Marketing Institute, 2019). Check out content marketing statistics 2020! Clients actually expect you to give them that experience! plan to increase their budget for interactive content. Those generally tend to have a colorful and dynamic display. There’s not much to interactive calculators. On the other hand, there’s traditional marketing, which is not personalized at all. But the main challenge lies in being consistent in maintaining the high level of quality that your customers demand in the content you create. We keep our focus on tightly integrating (or MESHing) lead generation, inbound, and outbound methodologies. It will take 270 electoral votes to win the 2020 presidential election. There are four common types of interactive content that we’ll hone-in on in this blog, which are: Interactive infographics are just like static infographics in that it’s essentially a chart with a collection of useful information. Organizations tend to spend more and more on content marketing. 90% information transmitted to brain is visual and visuals are processed 60000 X faster in the brain than text. 33. 27% of businesses say that the biggest challenge faced by them when creating their own content is the lack of data. Take action and make the best out of that information. It is among the most profitable approaches to marketing in 2019! Whether you are an established organization or an up-and-coming startup, using various types of content marketing can help your business grow and reach that bottom line. If you need a, , then here’s a statistic you simply cannot ignore. Did we do a solid job convincing you to use interactive content? use their content marketing strategy to build loyalty among their customers. Success comes with. “What Is Gamification?”. Content marketing is all about providing the right answers to your target audience in a way that is simple and easy to understand. “20+ Infographic Statistics & Facts For 2020.”, Moeller, S. (2018, August). “Interactive Content Marketing: A Beginner’s Guide.”, Chibana, N. (2020). Hm… let’s see: Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr, Pinterest, and so many others. allows the audience to respond to what you are offering them. Since the consumer expects to receive high-quality content from the brands they use and prefer, focusing on developing top-shelf content for your brand can take your company to a whole new level. This work is in the public domain. “Infographic: How to generate engagement through a social media contest.”, Andre, L. (2020)., Ceros. 1. Interactive content generates a greater rate of engagement, resulting in improved data quality. (HubSpot, 2020) "Content Marketing Strategy" is the most searched query related to content marketing. This is interactive video. 26% of the total marketing budget of B2C marketers, 21 Mind-Blowing WeChat Statistics in 2021, Internet of Things Statistics, Facts & Predictions [2020’s Update], Crucial Twitter Statistics, Facts and Predictions in 2020. You being shown the numbers on just how much you pollute is enough to drive behavior and action. show that content marketing is most effective if you are able to create content that helps solve specific problems that your target customers face. (HubSpot, 2020) Nearly 40% of marketers say content marketing is a very important part of their overall marketing strategy. 78% of content marketers incorporate press releases into their content marketing strategy. Content marketing can be great for almost every business under the sun. “30 Amazing Examples of Branded Facebook Contests Done Right”. It gets you more leads and traffic than any other type of marketing, and it builds the trust and loyalty of your audience. 21% of video marketers plan to include interactive video in their 2020 video marketing strategy. 30 Content Marketing Tools to Grow by 250,000+ Visits. 2015. This makes it one of the most attractive options for a successful content marketing strategy. Content marketing is 3 times more efficient in terms of leads than outbound marketing. This process is known as branching. On average, 2.72 % of eCommerce website visits get converted into sales. Netflix Statistics in 2020: The Status of the Internet Streaming Giant At the turn of the century, Netflix barely existed, at least when compared to the Netflix of today. Mazda built an in-ad game called “Lightrider.” Its purpose was to advertise their 2015 Mazda2 line of vehicles. So the reason why conversion rates are 2.4% higher for interactive content is because interactive videos involve users in a way that static content can’t. The results bore out that “66.8% of giveaway organizers who answered the survey run giveaways on more than one network. People strive to be influential – in their business, online, among friends and family. Content can be made interactive by incorporating an interactive video, slideshow, survey, tool, calculator among other elements. Using their video game creation software, you can create a game such as “Kite Kittens.” “Kite Kittens” is a side-scrolling, Nyan Cat-type video game where a kitten is attached to a kite overcoming obstacles and avoiding enemies. What we refer to as content in a content marketing strategy can be anything from written content, such as blog posts, articles, guest posts, ebooks, newsletters, etc., to visual content such as infographics and videos that are posted on social media platforms and the company’s own website. Let’s now have a look at the B2C performance in terms of content marketing: what’s the recipe for success? Examples and Benefits to Guide Your Strategy”. “29 Infographic Statistics You Need to Know in 2020”, Outgrow. use interactive content to get more leads. Gamification is the use of games in marketing, among other industries, to promote customer engagement, as mentioned previously. Both B2B and B2C marketers love content marketing nowadays even for that reason alone. Here comes another list that will shed some light on the matter: If you are looking for solid content marketing growth, then here’s a statistic you simply cannot ignore. Here, overlaid interactive graphics on a static image of the United States to demonstrate current wind speeds across the nation—a feast for the eyes! The more content you post on blogs – the more traffic and engagement you can expect. CDC twenty four seven. “Survey: How Brands Use Giveaways Today.”, Lynkova, D. (2019, August). , then there’s really only one way of doing that., Yerian, D. (2019. Video is continuing to grow in popularity and importance, which means it's vital to stay on top of the latest advances and statistics in order to create a strong digital video marketing strategy. But contests need two things to be successful: This contest from bird feeder company, Perky Pet, featured a specific prize that would attract a particular type of person relevant to its business. We help you understand the hidden levers that impact your customers’ buying decision process, develop the right marketing strategy for your unique business case, and effectively execute and measure all aspects of your Account-Based Marketing program. Chances are, there are at least one or two points that you haven’t considered so far., Wishpond. 9/10 of marketers said interactive content can be great for buyer education, in comparison to just 70% for static content. Now that those are out of the way, let’s start by looking at a few general interactive content statistics before moving on to these four types. Contrary to popular belief, coming up with a content marketing strategy isn’t that difficult. What’s really surprising is that the use of email newsletters is still high at 81%, which means that the use of emails for marketing is still very much alive even if the primary focus remains on social media content creation. And that time is not all-of-the-time. is such a big deal in 2020. The program will literally not continue without action on your part. 3 Of these, . But with so many choices of interactive content out there, it paints the picture that it’s complex. For example, the authors of Get Paid For Your Pad: How to Maximize Profit From Your Airbnb Listing, compiled an interactive calculator. 1. and 2. In content marketing, however, marketers have the advantage of reaching their particular audience on a deeper level. Agate. Hm… let’s see: Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr, Pinterest, and so many others. This will give you a bird’s eye view of what’s actually happening in your marketing. Success comes with planning. 4/5 of marketers think interactive content engages readers. Before we move on, there is an important question content marketers often ask themselves: Answer: As often as you are able to produce quality content! 3 Every year, about 805,000 Americans have a heart attack. When it comes to SEO and content statistics, the top two types of content used by businesses for content marketing are social media content (95%) and blog posts (89%). Saving Lives, Protecting People Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. use content marketing as a part of their marketing strategy. A good example of gamification in marketing would be Mazda. Either way, content marketing is the way to go. CAGR, according to Investopedia, is “the rate of return that would be required for an investment to grow from its beginning balance to its ending balance, assuming the profits were reinvested at the end of each year of the investment’s lifespan.”. So, the next stat is no surprise. 9. It’s a further example of just how specific to make the prizes in your contests. Stay tuned, there’s more: If you need to know your content marketing ROI statistics, then there’s really only one way of doing that. who already have added video content to their marketing strategy say they will continue in the future. According to Buzzsumo, “the number of interactive posts has increased by 33 percent, but the average number of shares has fallen by 62 percent.”. “In the blink of an eye.”, Upland Kapost. Download gold price historical data from 1970 to 2020 and get the live gold spot price in 12 currencies and 6 weights. 66% of marketers have reported greater audience engagement after using interactive content (2) At the beginning of the ad break, Hulu gives you a choice to see a “normal” ad break, or an interactive one. Updated: What is B2B Content Marketing in 2021? When it comes to the types of content marketing that are most successful, recent studies have found that millennials are the generation that is consuming the most video content. say posting on blogs is the most important content marketing they produce. 360° video has the ability to look in every direction, but not be able to move. You input information, you get calculations sent back to you. The difference is in how this information is presented to a reader. How huge exactly? One of the major reasons why the importance of content marketing in today’s world should not be underestimated is because of its ability to reach out to a wider audience. According to the state of the content marketing industry, facts point that the best way to promote your products or services is using content marketing. The key here is motion. Engagement can be driven in a variety of ways when it comes to interactive content. Bandersnatch followed a character named Stefan , a tormented game developer who was forced to make a number of simple and tough decisions to release a video game. They’re pretty easy to understand. 3. and 4. Keeping the importance of content marketing in mind, we are going to take a quick look at some of the most important content marketing questions. Count on content marketing statistics! point that the best way to promote your products or services is using. That’s how you become a respected part of your industry. The, AR is the same thing as VR, minus the headset. That’s largely because it works. It’ll keep prospects and customers coming back for more. Video continues to be one of the most effective elements in a digital marketing strategy as we roll into 2020 — and with good reason. I've seen many of these interactive scroll infographics that jerk or come off as less than polished, but Neomam manages to create an effect that actually does the opposite — making it extremely enjoyable to scroll down the page. Create a specific match-up by clicking the party and/or names near the electoral vote counter. The use of games in marketing and other industries is also known as gamification. Manchester, NH 03101 It is potentially the best way to make sure the audience knows about you and your product. “The State of Interactive Content Marketing: Statistics and Trends.”, Dubey, E. (2019, May). This makes email the third most popular distribution channel, just behind social media at 91 percent … The prize was a NO/NO® Solar Seed Ball Mini Snowman Head Feeder, Perky-Pet® Notebook, and Cardinal Hanging Hook. 45.5% use Facebook and Instagram to an equal extent,” according to easypromos. Video game designer, Gamify, offers an excellent example of this. (2014, May). in audio/visual content usage among B2C marketing. Content marketing statistics about ROI say 59% of B2B marketers identify email as their most effective channel in terms of revenue generation. Basically, content marketing statistics show that content marketing is most effective if you are able to create content that helps solve specific problems that your target customers face. This goes to show that content marketing is a good fit for almost everyone. 15% of video marketers plan to include 360 degree video in their 2020 video marketing strategy. “Global Gamification Market 2019-2023| 30% CAGR Projection Over the Next Five Years | Technavio”. ... 2020.08.17. Heart Attack. For instance, this interactive infographic calculates how long it would take hedge fund- manager billionaire, John Paulson, to earn your annual income. 1. Internet Users Everywhere Enjoy Video Content. Marketers today create content for multiple audience segments — marketing to three audience segments is most common. Since buyers nowadays are constantly looking for informative content that will make their lives easier, creating and delivering high-quality, informative, and relevant content can help you position your brand as an authority in your particular niche, which, in turn, helps attract more customers. Contrary to popular belief, coming up with a content marketing strategy isn’t that difficult. Having determined a goal, the content must include multiple, clear calls-to-action. “Interactive vs Static Content.”, Mazime. The point is that their prize was relevant. Input information to get a data usage calculation. The main ingredients you need to make things work for you are keywords, quality content, web design, user experience, and traffic. CDC twenty four seven. We found the latest and greatest content marketing usage statistics that you need to know for 2020 and beyond. Contests are a great way to involve the customer in a variety of marketing functions from customer engagement to brand loyalty. As you can see: there are many marketers out there who share that opinion. in today’s world should not be underestimated is because of its ability to reach out to a wider audience. have already implemented content marketing in their strategy. 21 Interactive Content Stats That Marketers Need to Know in 2020 In December 2018, Netflix viewers were introduced to the platform's first interactive film, Black Mirror: Bandersnatch . The efficiency of your content marketing strategy, on the other hand, can be divided into a couple of categories. It will pay off sooner than you think. This is complemented by a survey easypromos, a sweepstakes, contests, quizzes, surveys creation app, ran of 378 marketers. 85% of all internet users in the United States watched online video content monthly on any of their devices (Statista, 2018)., McCready, R . (2020, February). Several marketers and strategists have declared interactive marketing the future of content. Let us know by sending us a message in the chat below. plan to invest more in content marketing (FYI, digital marketing comes second with 57%). Consider the following from This means gamification is a viable market. 60% of B2C marketers use content marketing strategies. By posting more often, you build up trust and credibility. Another interactive calculator example is for, which is a telecommunications company operating out of Nigeria. “Do Infographics Increase Reading Comprehension and Recall? Interactive content generates a greater rate of engagement, resulting in improved data quality.. (2019, March). reduce their traditional marketing budget in favor of digital marketing. 80% of online visitors watch a video only 20% read the content. So if profits are reinvested, gamification can really excel. is the King of marketing nowadays. (2020). Around six out every ten brands use infographics in their marketing. This number is likely to increase as more and more businesses realize how much money they are leaving on the table by not using a solid, documented content marketing strategy for their business. Content marketing allows the audience to respond to what you are offering them. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Still not sold on gamification to power or boost your marketing? Let’s dive into more stats. You input information; you receive a calculation. Content marketing is crucial to any marketing strategy, mainly because it helps provide answers to some of the most pressing questions of your target demographic. It gets you more leads and traffic than any other type of marketing, and it builds the trust and loyalty of your audience. The point of this calculator is to figure out your specific impact on the planet based on the plastic you consume. Boston’s Content and Digital Marketing Agency, greater rate of engagement, resulting in improved data quality, Get Paid For Your Pad: How to Maximize Profit From Your Airbnb Listing, “Facebook became London Drugs’s ‘#1 source of website traffic referral.’”, The Importance of Planning in the Content Creation Process, 25 Interactive Content Statistics for 2021. “8 Interactive Content Statistics to Guide Your Marketing Spend in 2017.”, Shannon, J. Now, let’s have a look at what visual content stats have to say: As we saw, video content stats show video is the future of marketing. … 745 Atlantic Ave This makes it one of the most attractive options for a successful content marketing strategy. Simply put, customers want content when they want it, and you deliver. (2019). (2018, April). That’s right, content is the King of marketing nowadays. Also, it captures valuable customer data. Yup! That’s why the experience interactive content provides is so valuable. set the highest priority to content creation. . If you’ve ever done content marketing, you know it can be as testing as climbing a mountain peak. As the Junior Copywriter at MESH, Jayme brings a quality craftsmanship and artistry to assignments he creates, as well as a bit of motion to the office as a freestyle dancer. Today we are here to discuss content marketing statistics and why they are so important in 2020. In other words, as a content marketer you establish relations with your target audience, they follow you and you regularly feed them quality content to keep them coming. “How an Interactive Calculator Generated 11,592 Qualified Leads”. • One in every 8 South Africans is HIV positive. The businesses that survive and thrive will be those that are most in tune with the latest trends. No wonder interactive content like this calculator has an 80% conversion rate! Although they allow customers to have an ad-free subscription, those who choose to have commercials get to experience. Those types of commercials don’t call for an. (MarTech Advisor) The same study also found that interactive email content leads to a 73% increase in the click-to-open rate. That’s what’s great about content like interactive calculators—because computations change frequently, it means that interactive calculators have reusable value. Video is a highly effective form of content and its popularity has gone hand-in-hand with the rise of social media. According to statistics on content marketing channels, when it comes to the type of content that is being favored by businesses, it has been found that more and more businesses are turning towards social media content, which makes up for 95% of the total content created as part of their content marketing strategy. It has been found that headlines that are longer than 14 words on average get 5X more backlinks. say they believe in quality written content as the best content marketing strategy. It’s about establishing a two-way conversation. 28% of businesses say that a lack of having a solid content marketing strategy is a major challenge when creating content. S journey, users might use your interactive content statistics 2020 posts to look for opinions and recommendations a owner! 8 interactive content ( Updated ). ” continue without action on your 's...... knowing why your audience this site we will assume that you need know! Can be divided into a couple of categories new and improved way make! Brand ’ s labor proved to be influential – in their 2020 marketing. Have commercials get to experience oldest forms of interactive content is Considered the future of content marketers incorporate releases! 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