On the other hand, if your site collects any information (like e-mail addresses or contact details) from your website visitors, you are required by law to have an online privacy policy that outlines exactly how you plan to use that information. An affidavit is a sworn written statement. When deciding on a legal structure, every small business owner must consider several important factors before making the choice. Thinking of leasing your property to holiday-makers or short term visitors? An LLC is a... An Affidavit of Domicile is a sworn legal document attesting to the primary residence of a decedent in order to... An Affidavit of Heirship is a sworn legal document that attests to and identifies the heirs of a deceased person who died... An Affidavit of Identity is a document that is used to legally verify the identity of a person. Not only does this clarify things for your new employee, but it also allows you to set parameters for their employment (for example, including a non-compete clause that would prevent employees from working for your direct competitors) and can help protect your business against future employee disputes or litigation. Don't Forget About a Business License! These documents also make your business absolute in the eyes of the law. Sample documents to download. If your business relies on outside vendors or suppliers to fulfill your orders, you’re definitely going to need to have a vendor agreement in place. As to start a new partnership business you should always focus on the legal side as well. Inside Legal Forms for Starting & Running a Small Business, you'll find over 60 documents crucial to the success of your small business.They'll help … Create forms for Real Estate, Business, Estate, and more. If your company is subject to permit or license requirements, you absolutely need to have them in place before you start doing business. The legal form a firm chooses to operate under is an important decision with implications for how a firm structures its resources and assets. LegalZoom legal document review services are available for an affordable price that includes document review or contract review by an attorney who understands the language used in legal documents. Having the right legal documentation is an essential part of running a successful business (and making sure that business is protected). So it only makes sense that you would need a business license to operate a business. All the agreements and free legal forms are written in plain English so all parties can understand them clearly and they can be downloaded instantly (simply copy and paste) and free of charge.. Apart from supplying documents for business use, you will also find contracts to formalize a personal agreement. Hire freelancers for your company with this legal... Use this document to describe the services performed by an independent contractor or freelancer for another business. Instead of creating... A Letter of Intent is a document that can be used for both business and academic purposes. Select one of our free legal document templates to get started or use the PandaDoc document editor to create a new agreement template from scratch. It’s a milestone towards the realisation of a project with the input of different parties and is used at the Intention Stage of a project. Partnership business begins when two or more people stared a common business with their contribution or investment. Deanna deBara is an entrepreneur, speaker, and freelance writer who specializes in business and productivity topics. But not every person you work with is going to be full-time, and if you’re going to be working with independent contractors, you’re going to need a legally binding agreement for them as well. Find free small business forms you can download to help your business. But if you have a website for your small business, it is definitely in your best interest to have it—and to make your visitors accept those terms and conditions when they visit your website. Or, if you decide to hire a freelance coder to help develop the game engine your company is building, requiring them to sign an NDA would prevent them from sharing your game idea with others (like your competition). As you assemble these essential legal documents for small business operations, make sure to work with your attorney to ensure you have everything you need to (legally) succeed. Create a free Loan Agreement to enforce a promise between a lender and a borrower if one party does not hold up their end... A promissory note is a written document that officially recognizes a legally binding relationship between two parties -- a... A bill of sale is a legal document that memorializes a business transaction between two parties -- a seller and a... A firearm bill of sale is a legal document that memorializes the sale of a handgun, rifle, or shotgun between two parties... A Boat Bill of Sale documents the sale or transfer of a motorboat, sailboat, yacht, jet ski, watercraft, or other... Get a free horse bill of sale form to document the sale or transfer of a horse from a seller to a buyer. And based on our analysis of the tens of thousands of invoices paid through our system, we’ve realized that there are three key elements you’re going to want to include on your invoice: At FreshBooks, we want to make the invoice process as simple as possible for small businesses—so we created these free invoice templates to help you get started. Legal Templates LLC is not a lawyer, or a law firm and does not engage in the practice of law. Most states also require corporations to document what happens at major meetings. A partnership is a business... A Partnership Amendment is an internal written document detailing any changes to the terms of a partnership that were... A Privacy Policy is a document or statement that describes how a company gathers, uses, manages, and releases the... A Shareholder Agreement affects the shareholders of a corporation. All information, software and services provided on the site are for informational purposes and self-help only and are not intended to be a substitute for a lawyer or professional legal advice. When a Pet Owner needs someone to take care of their dog or cat, a Pet Care Agreement clearly spells out your pet’s normal... A postnuptial agreement is a written contract that is entered into after the couple gets married. Business Plan. Running a Business in the U.S.? Download a... A cease and desist debt collection letter warns agencies to immediately stop abusive communications. An End User License Agreement is a contract between two parties -- the licensor and the licensee -- for the right to use... An LLC Operating Agreement is an internal written document among members of a Limited Liability Company (“LLC”). Bylaws. Because it’s such an important legal document for your business, however, you should definitely plan to have it reviewed (and, if necessary, revised) by a small business attorney. Because the terms and conditions are going to depend on your vendor and your business model, this is a document best left to the professionals. Hiring an attorney to draft simple documents is expensive and may not be worth the expense for less important documents. Is Your Small Business Ready for Cloud Accounting? In business, it is commonly... A Licensing Agreement is a legal document between two parties - the Licensor, or person who owns the intellectual property... A Manufacturing and Supply Agreement outlines the parameters of a business relationship between a distributor and their... A Mechanic's Lien provides security to builders and artisans by detailing money owed to the contractor for either services... A mutual non-disclosure agreement is written to protect both parties entering into the agreement, and should be drafted to... A Confidentiality Agreement or NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) is a written document that officially recognizes a legally... A photo license agreement is a legal contract where the owner of a photo licenses the use of the image to a person or... A photo release form is a legal document in which one party, the Releasor, consents to let the other party use his or her... A Purchase Order is a written document that records a business transaction between two parties -- the Buyer and Seller. Not only will your terms and conditions agreement clearly lay out … well, the terms and conditions of your website, it also helps limit liability when you enforce those terms and conditions (so, for example, if you have a subscription service, including renewal fees will protect your company from customers who want to fight that fee). In 2021, It's Time to Get Over the Fear of Money Talk, 2020 Black Friday Deals for Busy Small Business Owners, Make the Most of Your Free 30-Day FreshBooks Trial As a Contractor, Shopping for a New Accounting Solution? If you're a landlord, there's no need to hire a lawyer to create the legal documents you need. With 1,900+ Document templates created by lawyers & experts you’ll have a professional-looking formatted contract, board resolution, business form, checklist, plan, press release, etc. Here at FreshBooks, we’re (obviously) pretty big on invoices. For example, don’t just include the amount you’re billing for the project as is; also include any other charges you may assess over the course of the project, like late payment fees or additional costs for changes to the project scope changes. To launch and build your company, here are the essential legal documents for small business success: You need a driver’s license to operate a car. How long you store business records should be determined by a retention schedule that balances each record’s usefulness with the legal requirements. If you’re planning on hiring any employees or outside contractors who will be privy to sensitive information about your company—or if you work with a client, vendor or supplier who will need to share sensitive information about their organization—you may need a non-disclosure agreement (or, as it’s more commonly known in the business world, an NDA). Yes. It is an important Legal Document for Business containing important conversation with your suppliers, potential partners and others involved in the business. We also have general affidavit forms for California, Florida, Illinois, and Texas. Operating agreement for LLCs. Can it be time-consuming to put together a good project contract? Use of this site is subject to our Terms of Use. Known as an LLC, limited liability companies are something of a blend of … Templates can be a good starting point for drafting a partnership agreement. Personal Property Bill of Sale. The grantor, or the person creating the trust,... A Revocation of Power of Attorney allows you to change your mind about who you want to act on your behalf for personal,... (855) 335-9779, Monday-Friday, 10AM - 6PM EDT. A partnership agreement (also knowns as an owners’ or ownership agreement) clearly outlines the key elements of your business partnership, including: It should also include clear guidelines on how to deal with disputes between partners—and how to proceed if a partner withdraws (or is asked to withdraw) from the company. What other legal documents do you have in place to protect your business? For example, if you have a plumbing, contracting or accounting business? More than 2 million people have used these products to create over 4 million legal documents and save over a billion dollars in legal fees. An eviction notice serves as written record that the Landlord properly notified the Tenant of a problem (i.e. An Amendment to an LLC Operating Agreement is an internal written document detailing any changes to the terms of a... An Articles of Incorporation is a set of formal documents that contain basic information about a company being created.... An Assignment of Partnership Interest is a legal document that transfers the rights to receive benefits from an original... Corporate Bylaws are the rules established by the board of directors that govern how a newly formed corporation will operate. What It’s Used for: If your business operates by providing services to … Create a Freelance Contract in minutes with our guided instructions. Here's how you can create a vacation rental... A warranty deed legally promises an owner has the right to transfer a piece of real property (e.g., land, home, or... An Affidavit is a sworn written statement voluntarily made under oath verifying a particular set of facts or statements to... An Affidavit of Death is an internal written document among members of a Limited Liability Company (“LLC”). Having the right legal documentation for your business is nonnegotiable. This schedule will depend on the type of business and the lifecycle of specific documents. Where do you get them? In return,... A property management agreement is a contract between a property owner and the company or person hired to manage the... A Quitclaim Deed is a legal document where the Grantor (or owner/seller) releases his or her ownership rights in a piece... A Real Property Purchase Agreement is a document between a buyer who wants to purchase a home or other piece of real... A Rent-to-Own Agreement is a written document between two parties, the landlord or potential seller who owns the property... A Rental Application is a form used by Landlords to find responsible renters or tenants. It is commonly... A Gift Affidavit is a sworn legal document attesting to and recording the gratuitous and voluntary transfer of a gift. Business permits and licenses come in many different forms—and the permits or licenses you need are going to depend on where and how you’re doing business. ©2002-2021 LawDepot® (Sequiter Inc.). An LLC is... A Partnership Agreement is an internal written document detailing the terms of a partnership. So, for example, let’s say you’re working on a client project and they need to provide you with their financials in order for you to complete the project successfully. Legal forms or legal documents are official forms that allow you to start a business, such as a sole proprietorship or LLC. Note: Review the guidelines on how to access or print our Free Legal Forms Online Freelance Contributor This site uses cookies. Can You Sue Over a Bad Review in the U.S.? A non-compete agreement is a legal document stipulating that one party will not compete in the same industry or... A Resignation Letter is a formal document that communicates your intention to resign from a current position. In addition to securing the necessary permits and licenses to operate in your area, you also want to make sure to register your company according to your desired structure and the rules governing business registration in your area. To take advantage of LegalZoom’s exclusive price for online legal document review, you must be a Business Advisory Plan member. We provide information and software and you are responsible for appropriately using this material. Create a free trailer bill of sale form in minutes with step-by-step instructions. When you start a business, you must decide on a legal structure for it. Although not required in most states, an operating agreement is recommended for every... 5. Legal documents require precise wording and great detail. Business Structure: Choose the Best One for You, The roles and responsibilities of each partner/owner, Who will retain ownership of the finished product, What marks the successful completion of the project (or, how will the project end if one party needs to cancel early, Outlines the conditions of employment, and, Makes sure both you and your new team member are on the same page about the position, compensation and any other issues related to the role. When you hire a new employee, you need a legal document in place that outlines the terms of their employment, otherwise known as an employment agreement. But even if you’re not legally required to have an operating agreement or company bylaws, it’s certainly not a bad idea to outline your company’s structure, ownership and policies—even if it’s just in an informal document. A Business Sale Agreement, also sometimes called a Business Purchase Agreement, is a document which the seller of a company and their chosen buyer can enter into when an entire business is being sold.Through a Business Sale Agreement, a seller and buyer can outline the terms and conditions of the business sale so that they have memorialized their entire understanding. in MS Word. This move out notice gives... A Notice of Rent Increase is a written letter from the Landlord to the Tenant that officially communicates a change in the... By signing a written Pet Addendum, the Landlord gives permission for the Tenant to have a pet in their home. Crowdfunding, Crowdinvesting, Crowdlending: Which Is Right for Your Small Business? Cease and Desist Copyright Infringement Letter, Cease and Desist Trademark Infringement Letter, Release of Liability Form (Waiver of Liability), Interview Candidate Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), Vacation Rental Short Term Lease Agreement. Operating Agreement (LLC) If you’re a limited liability corporation (LLC), then it’s a good idea to have … Legal Templates cannot and does not provide legal advice or legal representation. This article outlines the situations in which an Employee Contract should be used, the protection it offers both parties... Download your own free Employment Verification Letter. Create your own... A Living Will is a legal document that leaves instructions about your preferences for end-of-life care and medical... A Medical Power of Attorney allows you to name a health agent, someone who will make health decisions for you if you... A power of attorney is a written document that officially recognizes a legally binding relationship between two parties —... A revocable living trust is an entity created to hold the person's assets. Doing Business As (DBA): What Is It and Is It Needed? Meeting minutes. Affidavit of Lost Promissory Note Just add business information, customize the details and you’ll be well on your way to getting paid! Below is a document retention schedule that outlines how long you should hold on to important documents. MoU stands for Memorandum of Understanding. It is a formal contract that sets out and explains the... Use our single-member LLC Operating Agreement template to protect your sole owner LLC by helping prove it’s a separate... A Stock Certificate is a legal document that proves and records ownership of a certain number of shares or stocks in a... A stock purchase agreement (SPA), also known as a share purchase agreement, is a contract signed by both the company (or... A Terms of Use Agreement is a written set of rules and regulations between two parties, the User and the Company, that the... A Trademark Assignment Agreement is a written document that legally transfers a legally recognized word, phrase, symbol,... Use our affiliate agreement to form a legally-binding relationship in which an affiliate receives compensation for... An Arbitration Agreement stipulates that any disagreements that might arise through business dealings will be handled... A business contract is an agreement in which each party agrees to an exchange, typically involving money, goods, or services. When she's not busy writing, she enjoys exploring the Pacific Northwest with her husband and dog. A small business attorney is the best person to advise you on choosing a business structure—and, once you lock in which structure is best for your business, you can find instructions on how to register your company on your city, county or state’s website. Create a free motorcycle bill of sale in minutes with step-by-step instructions. A... A Release of Liability Form or Waiver of Liability Agreement is a legal document between two parties -- the Releasor or... A Sale of Goods Agreement is a written document between a buyer who wants to purchase goods and a seller who owns those... An Tolling Agreement is an agreement entered into by two or more parties to a lawsuit, agreeing to suspend certain rules,... A Toll Manufacturing Agreement is an agreement between a company with a product design, or idea, and a manufacturing... A Construction Contract Agreement is a legal document that officially recognizes a legally binding relationship between a... A company often asks employees with advanced knowledge of their confidential information to sign an NDA. There are a lot of laws and regulations you need to follow when creating employment agreements, so before you send the agreement to your new team member, make sure you have it reviewed by an employment lawyer to make sure it’s up to par. Free durable... A will is a legal form stating how you want your assets distributed and matters handled after your death. Copyright 2021 Legal Templates LLC. As a small business owner, you may run into the occasional client that wants you to get started on a project based on a “handshake promise” or an e-mail assignment. When you hire a full-time employee, you need an employment agreement. Download a free... A confidentiality agreement helps legally safeguard your confidential information. A business plan can help … Non-disclosure agreements are pretty standard and, with a little research, you should be able to find a customizable template online. It doesn’t matter if you’re going into business with your spouse, your sister or your best friend of 30 years—in order to prevent conflict down the road (and protect everyone), a partnership agreement is a nonnegotiable. LawDepot® is not a law firm and cannot provide legal advice. The most common forms of legal structure are the sole proprietorship, the partnership, and the corporation. It... A Small Estate Affidavit is legal document that allows a person to receive property belonging to a deceased individual.... An Advance Directive Form is a collection of legal documents empowering you to spell out your end-of-life decisions and... A Codicil to Will, or Codicil, is a written document altering, amending, explaining, revoking, or adding to a previously... A DNR Form is a legal document which grants you the opportunity to choose to withdraw from being resuscitated via CPR in... A durable power of attorney (DPOA) allows your agent to make decisions for you if you become incapacitated. Each involves a different approach to dealing with profits and losses (Figure 9.24 “Business Forms”).There are three basic forms of business. Almost every business needs a little funding to get started. 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