Each patient had at least 2 matched bilateral carious primary molars requiring pulpotomy. Ibricevic H, Al-Jame Q. Ferric sulphate and formocresol in pulpotomy of primary molars: Long term follow up study. Heck HD, Casanova-Schmitz M, Dodd PB, Schachter EN, Witek TJ, Tosun T. Formaldehyde (CH2O) concentrations in the blood of humans and Fischer-344 rats exposed to CH2O under controlled conditions. Van Hassell HJ. Ranly DM. J Dent 2003;31:479-85. Periapical radiographs showing successful BiodentineTM pulpotomy of tooth 65 and formocresol pulpotomy of tooth 55 (maxillary second primary molars). Farooq NS, Coll JA, Kuwabara A, Shelton P. Success rates of formocresol pulpotomy and indirect pulp therapy in the treatment of deep dentinal caries in primary teeth. It is advisable to use radiographs that clearly reveal the periradicular areas to monitor prognosis of primary molars pulpotomy, because the failure of pulpotomy in these teeth may be demonstrated in the furcation or periapical areas [33]. Google Scholar. BiodentineTM has been introduced and progressed (through active biosilicate technology) with the purpose of incorporating the increased biocompatibility and bioactivity of calcium silicates, producing improved features that cause it to be better than any other calcium silicate–based cements such as quick setting time, high compressive strength, and easy dealing with as well as its many uses in both endodontics and restorative dentistry without resulting in discoloration of the treated teeth [8,9,10]. © 2021 BioMed Central Ltd unless otherwise stated. Immunologic studies of subjects with asthma exposed to formaldehyde and urea-formaldehyde foam insulation (UFFI) off products. A total of 56 pairs (112 teeth) of carious primary teeth, 1 pair per child, were selected for treatment. It is suggested that BiodentineTM is a promising material with a high success rate without any adverse effects in all pulpotomized molars. In our study, the success rate of BiodentineTM (100%) was comparable to the success rate reported in previous studies [14, 36]. As to the definition of success and failure, all the six studies demonstrated that the case was regarded … Fuks AB. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1971;31:571-85. The effects of laser irradiation on the activation of inflammatory cells and the vital pulpotomy. Bhatt HS, Lober SB, Combes B. BiodentineTM versus formocresol pulpotomy technique in primary molars: a 12–month randomized controlled clinical trial. Prakash C, Chandra S, Jaiswal JN. Zander HA. In some cases an adult tooth might have decay down to the pulp but the pulp is still pretty healthy. Preservation, the retention of maximum vital tissue with no … Alexandria University; 1987. 2014;2:114–24. 2005;29:307–11. Unfortunately, operator blinding was not possible as both materials were of different types, which required different manipulations, thus the operators’ cognitive bias could not be eliminated during the procedures but not in the follow–up evaluations. Devitalization, where the intent is to destroy vital tissue, is typified by formocresol and electrocautery. Han L, Okiji T. Bioactivity evaluation of three calcium silicate–based endodontic materials. It has the ability to create great participation in preserving the vitality of the pulp in children wisely chosen for pulpotomy procedure [7]. 2018;40:343–51. World Health Organization. J Clin Pediatr Dent 1994;18:285-9. A double–blinded, split–mouth, randomized, controlled clinical study was done. Formocresol has been a popular pulpotomy medicament in the primary dentition and is still the most universally used pulp medicament for primary teeth. Bhavya B, Sadique M, Simon EP, Ravi SV, Lal S. Spectrophotometric analysis of coronal discoloration induced by white mineral trioxide aggregate and BiodentineTM: an in vitro study. Bani M, Aktaş N, Çınar Ç, Odabaş ME. Tagger E, Tagger M. Pulpal and periapical reactions to glutaraldehyde and paraformaldehyde pulpotomy dressing in monkeys. Its use in primary molars was not advocated until 1930 (3). J Clin Pediatr Dent. Pediatr Dent. Data were collected, tabulated and analyzed using Fisher exact and McNemar tests. Is there life after Buckley's formocresol? Awawdeh L, Al-Qudah A, Hamouri H, Chakra RJ. Formocresol has been used in dentistry since 100 years and for deciduous teeth pulpotomy since 80 years. Doi S, Suzuki S, Morishita M, Yamada M, Kanda Y, Torii S, et al. This may give long–standing advantages on improving the evaluation and performance of primary molars pulpotomy [9]. Int Endod J. Available from: http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/24/22/31744923.pdf [Last accessed on 2007 Mar 13]. In control (group II), a sterile cotton pellet moistened with 1:5 concentration formocresol (Buckley’s Formocresol, Sultan Healthcare, Englewood, NJ, USA) then blotted to remove excess was placed for 5 minutes on the pulp stumps and then the pulps were covered with zinc oxide–eugenol (IRM; Dentsply, Milford, DE) dressing. Despite the new medicaments introduced for pulpotomy over the past years, formocresol pulpotomy still has popularity among paediatric dentists. Comparison of electrosurgical and formocresol pulpotomy procedures in children. Assessment of the systemic distribution and toxicity of formaldehyde following pulpotomy treatment: Part one. 1 [21]. Pediatr Dent 1991;19:327-30. Restor Dent Endod. I Myers DR, Shoaf HK, Dirksen TR, Pashley DH, Whitford GM, Reynolds KE. Nowadays, there are many concerns about the safety of formocresol due to the harmful effects of formaldehyde that led to the change towards safer … Effects of mineral trioxide aggregate and formocresol on vital pulp after pulpotomy of primary molars: an in vivo study. Privacy Clinical, radiographic and histological observations of the radicular pulp following "feracrylum" pulpotomy. Available from: http://www.inchem.org/documents/ehc/ehc/ehc89.htm [Last accessed on 2007 Mar 13]. Kusum B, Rakesh K, Richa K. Clinical and radiographical evaluation of mineral trioxide aggregate, BiodentineTM and propolis as pulpotomy medicaments in primary teeth. I. Calcium hydroxide paste as a wound dressing. The importance of pulp vitality preservation can never be overstated. J Dent Res 1985;64:541-8. As a result, numerous investigations for alternatives to formocresol, some of which have shown efficacy equivalent to formocresol, have … It is usually prudent to plan to include more than the minimum number of teeth in a study to compensate for loss during follow–up or other causes of attrition. This may be attributed to the excellent sealing and regeneration abilities, the higher biocompatibility and alkalinity of BiodentineTM that may lead to this increased success rate. Follow–up was done for all children clinically at 3, 6 and 12 months and radiographically at 6 and 12 months. Effect of glutathione depletion on aminopyrine and formaldehyde metabolism. Each parent signed an informed consent for the child’s participation in the study. Before recruitment of the patients, 56 sealed envelopes containing the result of randomization were prepared, sealed, and blindly mixed in a box. The alternatives to formocresol are discussed and their advantages and disadvantages are evaluated. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. 2008;41:547–55. If pulp canal obliteration (PCO) happened, it was recorded but not considered as a treatment failure [23]. The inflamed coronal pulp was removed with a sharp … J Stomato. Pediatric endodontics. PCO is a usual radiographic observation in pulpotomy procedures using formocresol, ferric sulfate, or BiodentineTM [1, 19, 34]. Allergy 2003;58:668-71. J Res Dent. Keywords: Calcium hydroxide, ferric sulfate, formocresol, MTA, pulpotomy. PubMed Comparison of gray mineral trioxide aggregate and diluted formocresol in pulpotomized primary molars: a 6– to 24–month observation. Formaldehyde: Assessing the risk. 2017;39:284–8. In the current study, formocresol technique showed PCO in only 12.5% of molars, which agrees with the percentage found in published studies. Clinical Procedure . The pulpotomy procedure was decided a clinical success if the tooth fulfilled the following criteria [1, 18, 19, 22]: (1) No pain, (2) No swelling, (3) No tenderness to percussion, (4) No abscess or fistula, and (5) No abnormal tooth mobility. Comparison of clinical and radiographic success rates of pulpotomy in primary molars using Formocresol, ferric sulfate and mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). Sakai V, Moretti A, Oliviera T, et al. Recently, most studies have concentrated on comparing formocresol to mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and Bioaggregate (BA) for human primary teeth pulpotomy [18,19,20]. Complete isolation was performed using a rubber dam and saliva ejector. Formocresol was introduced to treat non-vital permanent teeth in the United States by Buckley in 1904. Federal-Provincial-Territorial Committee on Drinking Water. Quievryn G, Zhitkovich A. Coggon D, Harris EC, Poole J, Palmer KT. Outcomes of vital pulp therapy using mineral trioxide aggregate or BiodentineTM: a prospective randomized clinical trial. 2020; 13(3): 240, Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry. J Res Med Sci. Schulz KF, Altman DG, Moher D, CONSORT Group. Yoldaş SE, Bani M, Atabek D, Bodur H. Comparison of the potential discoloration effect of Bioaggregate, BiodentineTM, and white mineral trioxide aggregate on bovine teeth: in vitro research. Kim S, Liu M, Simchon S, Dorscher-Kim JE. Nowicka A, Lipski M, Parafiniuk M, Sporniak–Tutak K, Lichota D, Kosierkiewicz A, Kaczmarek W, Buczkowska–Radlińska J. Jabbarifar SE, Khademi AA, Ghasemi D. Success rate of formocresol pulpotomy versus mineral trioxide aggregate in human primary molar tooth. Schroder U. Scand J Dent Res 1977;85:583-7. J Dent Res 1939;18:373-9. It was concluded that 20% dilution causes the least histologic damage and that a 1 minute … Ruemping DR, Morton TH Jr, Anderson MW. Agamy H, Bakry N, Mounir M, Avery D. Comparison of mineral trioxide aggregate and formocresol as pulp–capping agents in pulpotomized primary teeth. Hence, the determination of the actual effective dose and … Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 1999;160:86-100. The only observed radiographic failure was furcal radiolucency in the formocresol group at 12–month interval. By using this website, you agree to our Management of traumatically injured pulps in immature teeth using MTA. Kimura Y, Yonaga K, Yokoyama K, Watanabe H, Wang X, Matsumoto K. Histopathological changes in dental pulp irradiated by Er: YAG laser: A preliminary report on laser pulpotomy. Huang TH, Ding SJ, Hsu TZ, Lee ZD, Kao CT. Root canal sealers induce cytotoxicity and necrosis. Success of mineral trioxide aggregate in pulpotomized primary molars. All the teeth received stainless steel crown after … Cookies policy. Formocresol is a long–term clinically–successful medicament for use in the pulpotomy procedure, mostly due to its excellent clinical success and ease in use [ 2 ]. J Res Med Sci 2004;6:304-7. This research received a grant (no. NMA Participated in planning of the research, literature search and critically reviewing the manuscript. Int Endod J 1997;30:175-80. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. Tissue changes induced by the absorption of formocresol from pulpotomy sites in dogs. An operator performed the pulpotomy procedures. An envelope was for each block of two contralateral teeth (one pair). Rajasekharan S, Martens LC, Vandenbulcke J, Jacquet W, Bottenberg P, Cauwels RG. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Keywords: Electrosurgical pulpotomy, formocresol, glutaraldehyde, laser surgery. Reddy MS. Radiographic methods in the evaluation of periodontal therapy. A CONSORT diagram showing the study protocol up to the 12–month follow–up. PCO was observed in 10 (17.8%) molars in the BiodentineTM group and just 7 (12.5%) molars in the formocresol group, without significant difference among the 2 materials. Our study shows that BiodentineTM has the power to be an alternative for formocresol in primary teeth pulpotomy. Formocresol mutagenicity following primary tooth pulp therapy: An in vivo study. 2013;39:743–7. J Endod 2008;34:S18-24. Two full–time pediatric dentistry faculty members (other than the operator) from KAU blindly evaluated all the teeth clinically and radiographically. J Pedod 1982;6:203-17. Ribeiro DA, Scolastici C, De Lima PL, Marques ME, Salvadori DM. Objective. Juneja P, Kulkarni S. Clinical and radiographic comparison of BiodentineTM , mineral trioxide aggregate and formocresol as pulpotomy agents in primary molars. 4 Fixative properties, clinical success and availability of formocresol are common factors of its popularity. J Clin Pediatr Dent 2001;26:81-5. The improved properties of BiodentineTM, as well as its simple manipulation, may motivate dental practitioners to utilize this contemporary material as a practical choice in primary molars pulpotomy. J Pedod 1989;13:314-22. Rolling I, Hasselgren G, Tronstad L. Morphologic and enzyme histochemical observations on the pulp of human primary molars 3 to 5 years after formocresol treatment. It was conducted to evaluate the success rate of BiodentineTM pulpotomy technique in human primary molars, clinically and radiographically and compare it with formocresol pulpotomy technique. Group I comprised 56 molars treated with BiodentineTM (experimental). Inter– and intra–examiner agreement was performed using the Kappa statistic. Furthermore, it excludes the necessity of a restorative material to fill the pulp chamber [8,9,10,11]. Identification of alpha 2 adrenoceptors in the blood vessels of the dental pulp. Ou Daigaku Shigakushi 1990;17:233-44. Eur J Paediatr Dent 2005;6:133-8. 2015;2015:359275. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1976;42:518-28. Effects of selected inflammatory mediators in blood flow and vascular permeability in the dental pulp. The percentage of teeth that could be lost to follow up at all stages was set at 10% thereby forcing an increase of 5 pairs to the calculated sample size. 330 high–speed carbide bur with copious water spray. Proc Finn Dent Soc 1992;88 Suppl 1:387-92. J Am Dent Assoc 1991;122:83-5. 2005;27:129–36. This paper reviews the history, clinical success and concerns regarding the safety of formocresol as a primary molar pulpotomy medicament. Study design: A total of 100 incisors in 50 patients (female: 27, male: 23)aged 3-4 years were allocated to formocresol pulpotomy (45 teeth) and RCT (46 teeth) using zinc oxideeugenol. Hume WR. Squire RA, Cameron LL. 029–14). Pulp canal obliteration was radiographically observed in 10/56 (17.9%) and 7/56 (12.5%) cases in the BiodentineTM and formocresol groups, respectively. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1978;79:797-810. Efficacy of three different pulpotomy agents in primary molars: a randomized control trial. Each envelope was unsealed after the signature of the informed consent and immediately before the implementation of the first procedure on the right tooth. Then the pulp chamber was washed with normal saline and bleeding was controlled by placing a cotton pellet moistened with water in the pulp chamber for 5 minutes. Initially, the technique involved five visits. Heck H, Casanova M. Pharmacodynamics of formaldehyde: Applications of a model for the arrest of DNA replication by DNA-protein cross-links. 2018; © Journal of Restorative Dentistry | Published by Wolters Kluwer -. Results: 9 Articles were selected for the systematic review. Formocresol and calcium hydroxide therapy. Athanassiadis B, George GA, Abbott PV, Wash LJ. Pulpotomy entails the removal of infected coronal pulp followed by placement of a suitable medicament to preserve the health of remaining radicular pulp. 2013;46:808–14. Pediatr Dent. The objective of this clinical study was to prospectively compare the clinical and radiographic success rates of BiodentineTM pulpotomies versus formocresol pulpotomies in children vital primary molars. Several studies have been done to investigate the risk of exposure to formocresol because it has mutagenic, toxic and carcinogenic risks in humans [3,4,5]. Extended follow-up of a cohort of British chemical workers exposed to formaldehyde. Kligerman AD, Phelps MC, Erexson GL. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare, both clinically and radiographically, the effects of calcium silicate-based materials (i.e., ProRoot MTA [PR-MTA], MTA-Plus [MTA-P], and Biodentine [BD]) and ferric sulfate [FS] in pulpotomy of primary molars.Materials and Methods. Shulman ER, McIver FT, Burkes EJ Jr. After 3–, 6–, and 12– months, BiodentineTM and formocresol groups showed 100% clinical success rates (Table 2). Pediatr Dent. J Clin Pediatr Dent 1997;21:151-6. Efficacy of BiodentineTM as an apical plug in nonvital permanent teeth with open apices: an in vitro study. 2015;9:ZC35–7. A fresh look at the evidence concerning safety issues. 8) was used for coronal pulp amputation. Gruber C. The pharmacology of benzyl alcohol and its esters. Clinical calibration results by the 2 examiners were considered excellent (k=0.98). J Dent Med Sci. No pathological signs were observed radiographically in any of the 2 groups except for one molar in the formocresol group that showed furcation radiolucency at 12–month interval. Ethical approval was obtained from the Research Ethics Committee, Faculty of Dentistry, KAU, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Approval no. 029–14). 2012;34(7):e202-e208. In order to overcome the variable of the side preferred by the operator, the researchers made sure that both materials equally treated each side. The effects of glutaraldehyde on primary pulp tissue following coronal amputation: An in vivo histologic study. 21st–century endodontics. Eur J Pediatr Dent 2002;3(3):115-20. WHO has estimated the use of formocresol through air, water and food at 1.5-to 14-mg/ day (mean 7.8 mg/day). Children were followed–up at 3, 6 and 12 months for clinical evaluation and at 6 and 12 months for radiographic evaluation. Int J Paediatr Dent 2002;12:177-82. Pulpotomy of human primary molars … One patient with 4 (3.6%) pulpotomized teeth (2 pairs) was unavailable for the 12–month evaluation. Toxicol Lett 1984;21:241-6. Review Article INVESTIGATION INESTIGATIN CLINICAL Clinical-Investigation.1000169 2020 Comparative Evaluation of MTA Pulpotomy and Laser-Assisted MTA Pulpotomy in Primary Teeth: A Randomized Clinical Trial Abstract Context and Aim: Formocresol has been used as the material of choice (gold standard) for pulpotomy procedures because of the ease of use but was discouraged due to its … Thus, future clinical research is required to utilize BiodentineTM as a substitute to formocresol in primary teeth pulpotomy. Toxicol Lett 1986;30:1-6. Liu H, Zhou Q, Qin M. Mineral trioxide aggregate versus calcium hydroxide for pulpotomy in primary molars. Schroder U. Ranly DM. Pulpotomy is a choice of treatment for cariously exposed primary teeth to maintain its function in the oral cavity. Formocresol versus calcium hydroxide in pulpotomy. In addition to the findings of clinical follow--radiographic and taking into account the potential toxicity of formocresol suggest the use of mineral trioxide aggregate pulpotomy of primary tee … Mineral trioxide aggregate in primary teeth pulpotomy. Each dog had three teeth treated by Formocresol Pulpotomy with Mechanical Coronal Pulp Removal (FC), three teeth treated by … Mack RB, Dean JA. California Privacy Statement, Because of its regenerative properties, it was suggested to be used as a suitable replacement to formocresol in pulpotomy of primary teeth [31]. Bakland LK. Within a … Pediatr Dent. In both groups, all teeth were finally restored using a stainless steel crown (SSC) (3M/ESPE, St. Paul, Minn., USA). Bani M, Elif S, Odabas ME. Crosby RM, Richardson KK, Craft TR, Benforad KB, Liber HL, Skopek TR. J Lab Clin Med 1923;9:15. International Programme on Chemical Safety. Formocresol toxicity: Current knowledge. Group II comprised 56 molars treated with formocresol (control). Sonmez D, Sari S, Cetinbas T. A comparison of four pulpotomy techniques in primary molars: a long-term follow–up. In: Duggal MS, editor. This study was carried out on healthy children aged 4– to 8–year–old. After that, the envelopes were numerated blindly from 1 to 56. Schroder U. J Calif Dent Assoc. PCO was detected in a wide range (0–52%) of teeth treated by formocresol pulpotomy [1, 18, 19, 22, 34, 38]. statement and This current randomized, split–mouth clinical study is considered as one of the few prospective clinical trials that used BiodentineTM in pulpotomy of primary molars in children. Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation, Screening Information Data Set, Initial Assessment Profile. Pediatr Dent. J Endod. Pediatr Dent 1987;9:144-6. American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Environ Mol Mutagen 1988;12:155-66. 2010;38:102–7. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2005;99:637-40. Therapeutic pulpotomy in primary molars with formocresol technique- clinical and histological follow-up. Acta Odontol Pediatr 1984;5:93-8. Mineral trioxide aggregate vs. formocresol in pulpotomized primary molars: A preliminary report. Agreement between clinical and histologic findings in chronic coronal pulpitis in primary teeth. Seow WK, Thong YH. Manage cookies/Do not sell my data we use in the preference centre. As the split–mouth method was carried out, no difference between both groups (BiodentineTM and formocresol) concerning the patient’s age at the treatment time, gender and in the kind of molar treated was found. In this randomized clinical trial, 29 healthy 5- to 7-year-old children with at least four carious primary molars with no clinical or radiographic evidence of pulp degeneration were enrolled. The study was conducted on 33 primary teeth of three mongrel dogs between the ages of one to three months. Google Scholar. Wright FA, Widmer RP. Garcia-Godoy F, Ranly DM. Genotoxicity of antimicrobial endodontic compounds by single cell gel (comet) assay in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Difference was seen in the formocresol group at 12–month interval ( control.! //Creativecommons.Org/Publicdomain/Zero/1.0/, https: //doi.org/10.1186/s12903-018-0702-4 I comprised 56 molars treated with BiodentineTM and formocresol groups showed %. Glutaraldehyde, laser surgery, Coll JA, Shelton P, Kulkarni S. clinical and radiographic success rates table. Buckley 's formocresol and calcium hydroxide versus mineral trioxide aggregate for direct pulp capping: a critical review... Material with a sample of 37 healthy children aged 4– to 8–year–old of visits the. Assess differences in clinical and radiographical success in primary teeth pulpotomy agreement performed. Were taken using the Statistical Package for social Sciences ( SPSS ) version 20.0 ( SPSS Inc. Chicago... F. reviewing pulp treatment for primary and young permanent teeth in dogs using... 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