formocresol advantages disadvantages

Immunotoxicité : Une sensibilisation immunitaire à la suite de la pulpotomie au formocrésol a été observée chez les chiens, mais lors d'une étude menée auprès de 128 enfants ayant subi une pulpotomie au formocrésol, il n'y a pas eu d'augmentation de la réaction immunitaire ou de réactions allergiques. Ferric sulfate, a hemostatic agent, has gained some popularity as a primary teeth pulpotomy agent. Both their advantages and disadvantages have been reported [6]. Casas et coll. Formocresol and glutaraldehyde pulpotomies in primary teeth. Mechanism of action of Formocresol. The alternatives to formocresol are discussed and their advantages and disadvantages evaluated. 1. Calcium hydroxide pulpotomy with a light-cured cavity-sealing material after two years. The alternatives to formocresol are discussed and their advantages and disadvantages are evaluated. Advantages of NaOCl include its ability to dissolve organic substances present in the root canal system and its af-fordability. • Potential systemic absorption and distribution throughout the body. Conclusions : L'abondance de preuves négatives démontre fortement qu'il n'y a pas de transport de formaldéhyde inhalé, ingéré ou appliqué localement à des sites éloignés. P. J. Waterhouse Department of Child Dental Health, The Dental School, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England Key words: pulpotomy; tormocresol; formaldehyde; Evaluation of formocresol, calcium hydroxide, ferric sulfate, and MTA primary molar pulpotomies. Fundamentals of Pediatric Dentistry. The alternatives to formocresol are discussed and their advantages and disadvantages are evaluated. À partir de 7 biodosages par inhalation à long terme et de 3 études portant sur des rats, des souris et des hamsters par l'intermédiaire de l'eau potable ou à partir de 3 enquêtes épidémiologiques à long terme menées auprès de travailleurs industriels exposés au formaldéhyde dans le cadre de leur travail, la preuve n'a pu être faite que cette substance peut causer le cancer à des sites éloignés. • In high doses it is toxic. This most com­ monly used therapy specially for exposed pulps of primary teeth is a 5-minute application of Formocresol followed by a dressing of zinc oxide eugenol containing Formocresol. The major disadvantages of this irrigant are its cytotoxicity when injected into periradicular tissues, foul smell and taste, ability to bleach clothes and ability to cause corrosion of metal objects. Additional disadvantages of formocresol pulpotomy include the possibility of early exfoliation of primary teeth, an odor that many patients and clinicians find objectionable, and its potential to burn soft tissue in the event of inadvertent contact with the medicament. Berger (1972) ... two distinct advantages in that it can be performed more quickly and there are no drugs involved that may produce undesirable systemic effects(23). Although MTA biological approach and its performance is comparable or similar to formocresol, it has some disadvantages such as prolonged setting time, difficult handling characteristics and high material cost [27,28,29]. Mineral trioxide aggregate as a pulpotomy agent in primary molars: New modalities for old rationales. Abstract This paper reviews the history, clinical success and concerns regarding the safety of formocresol as a primary molar pulpotomy medicament. 37. Aucune anomalie cytogénétique n'a été observée dans les lymphocytes circulants obtenus des enfants ayant subi au moins une pulpotomie au formocrésol ou dans les lymphocytes des rats exposés à des concentrations de formaldéhyde aussi élévées que 15 ppm pendant 5 jours. formocresol became and has remained, the standard against which all new modalities are compared. 19% Formaldehyde 35% Cresol 15% Glycerol in Water. Aim to create a chemically altered zone at the pulp-medicament interface - leaving the deeper untreated pulp tissue vital and un-inflamed Diffuses into the pulp tissue - degree of penetration is time and dose dependent May end up with chronic inflammation or even partial necrosis of residual pulp. Instead, the short treatment leaves the pulp only partially devitalized. Ferric sulphate and formocresol pulpotomies in baboon primary molars: The alternatives to formocresol are discussed and their advantages and disadvantages are evaluated. drugs for pulpotomies: formocresol (FC), ferric sulphate, calcium hydroxide (CH), a calcium-enriched mixture and mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) [4,5]. Laser Pulpotomy Different studies were led on laser energy to over- come the histological deficits of electrosurgery. The alternatives to formocresol are discussed and their advantages and disadvantages evaluated. Formocresol and alternative primary molar pulpotomy medicaments: a review Endod Dent Traumatol. Toute preuve soutenant que le formaldéhyde cause le cancer à des sites éloignés doit être considérée comme inconséquente pour plusieurs raisons : non-reproduisibilité, rapports inadéquats sur les méthodes expérimentales ou sensibilité analytique insuffisante. A prospective-retrospective study. Formocresol and glutaraldehyde pulpotomies in primary teeth. There can be no doubt that a reparative, biologic approach to pediatric pulp therapy is preferable to the absolutist, devitalization approach of formocresol pulpotomy or primary tooth pulpectomy, and research into alternatives is not only welcome but absolutely essential. Ou Daigaku Shigakushi ; Glutaraldehyde fromocresol and pulpotomy in primary molars. Advantages • Commonly available medicament • Stable at room temperature • Long shelf life • High clinical and radiographic success of formocresol pulpotomy 62. 1987 May;53(5):401-4. Research has shown different levels of success after application of these agents. Buckley’s for- mula contains formaldehyde 19%, Cresol 35%, glycrerine 15%, and water leading to an approximate pH of 5.1. Formocresol Non-vital permanent teeth was treated by a new introduction; formocresol, in the United States by Buckley in 1904 [7]. J Clin Laser Med Surg ; Cohen S, Hargreaves KM, editors. Par contre, cette concentration représente plus de 1000 fois les expositions ambiantes typiques pour les humains et 8 fois la limite d'exposition professionnelle maximale établie par l'Occupational Safety and Health Administration des États-Unis. Tricresol formalin, another formaldehyde preparation, contains 10% tricresol and 90% formaldehyde. varied success rates, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. to formocresol, some of which have shown efficacy equivalent to formocresol, have been completed. Disadvantages • It is a very caustic medicament. 1 ont mis en doute l'innocuité du formocrésol tel qu'utilisé lors des pulpotomies pédiatriques, parce que le formaldéhyde qu'il contient pourrait provoquer des effets toxiques à des sites éloignés, notamment la génotoxicité, l'immunotoxicité et le cancer. All of these preparations have a formaldehyde content well above the 10% normally used for fixation of pathologic specimens. Presently a 1:5 dilution of Buckley’s formocresol is commonly used. However, the original advantage of com- Any excess material should be blotted off the pledget prior to application. Aim: To evaluate and compare the radiographic and clinical success of formocresol, pulpotec and biodentine as pulpotomy medicaments in primary molars. Also, formocresol is used for pulpotomies of primary teeth in Pediatric Dental Clinics, Faculty of Dentistry, KAU, Jeddah. Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. Formocresol and alternative primary molar pulpotomy medicaments: a review Waterhouse, P. J. Ferric Sulfate and Formocresol pulpotomies in paediatric dental practice. Formocresol-treated teeth showed nearly 88.2% of a clinical success rate at end of 12 months of examination. The alternatives to formocresol are discussed and their advantages and disadvantages evaluated. Cancérogénicité : Le formaldéhyde cause l'apparition d'un carcinome spinocellulaire nasal chez les rongeurs exposés à long terme à une concentration minimale de 6 ppm. It is prudent to limit both dose and contact time. You are currently offline. Des anomalies cytogénétiques, comme les liens transversaux entre les protéines de l'ADN, les aberrations chromosomiques, les échanges de chromatides soeurs ou nucléées, n'ont pas été relevées dans la moelle osseuse de rats normaux exposés au formaldéhyde marqué d'hydrogène radioactif [3H] ou de carbone [14C] à des concentrations aussi élevées que 15 parties par million (ppm); dans la moelle osseuse des rats carencés en glutation (inhibitée sur le plan métabolique) exposés au formaldéhyde [3H] et au formaldéhyde [14C] à des concentrations aussi élevées que 10 ppm; et dans la moelle osseuse des singes Rhésus exposés au formaldéhyde [14C] à des concentrations aussi élevées que 6 ppm. Chez les rats, les singes et les humains, la concentration endogène normale de formaldéhyde dans le sang est d'environ 0,1 mmol/l (2,70 μg/g), et ces taux ne sont pas affectés par l'exposition externe au formaldéhyde. have been introduced. 221 The formaldehyde component of formocresol may vary substantially between 19% and 37%. Génotoxicité : De nombreuses études ont démontré que le formaldéhyde est génotoxique ou mutagène pour les tissus mammifères, mais seulement à la suite d'une exposition prolongée à des zones de contact précises comme le nasopharynx. PMID: 3555739 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Publication Types: [5] This paper reviews the history, clinical success and concerns regarding the safety of formocresol as a primary molar pulpotomy medicament. Judd PL, Kenny DJ. Formaldehyde, used as formocresol, has been used extensively in endodontic therapy despite its high toxicity and mutagenic and carcinogenic potential. Ca OH 2 pulpotomy in primary teeth. Despite the high success rates reported with the use of a five minute application of formocresol it has been postulated that it may be applied for a lesser amount of time and still achieve equivalent results. 1995 Aug;11(4):157-62. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-9657.1995.tb00479.x. The success of the therapy depends mainly on the Buckley's Formocresol: 19% formaldehyde, 35% cresol, 17.5% gylcerine. The formocresol pellets were left in place for five minutes. MTA has also shown to revascularize and promote dentin-like tissue formation in several clinical situations. This paper reviews the history, clinical success and concerns regarding the safety of formocresol as a primary molar pulpotomy medicament. Following the initial clinical trial by Redig,9 the 5-min treatment with formocresol became, and has re-mained, the standard against which all new modalities are compared. New modalities for old rationales. Les déshydrogénases glutathiono-dépendantes et glutathiono-indépendantes catalysent l'oxydation de formaldéhyde dans les muqueuses nasales et buccales, les hépatocytes et les érythrocytes, lesquels sont les principales voies de détoxification. disadvantages like cytotoxicity, necrosis, mutagenic and carcinogenic potential. The alternatives to formocresol are discussed and their advantages and disadvantages are evaluated. formocresol protocol, and since that time mummifi-cation has been abandoned by the profession. Some features of the site may not work correctly. Beaucoup de produits en contiennent ou en dégagent, notamment les antiseptiques, le détergent à vaisselle, l'assouplissant, les produits de nettoyage pour tapis, le vernis à ongles, le durcisseur à ongles, les produits de papier, les adhésifs, la peinture au latex, les plastiques, les tissus infroissables et différents produits ligneux. Alliés au fait que le formaldéhyde se trouve naturellement dans tout l'organisme et que seulement quelques microgrammes de formaldéhyde sont appliqués pendant de très courtes périodes sur le tissu pulpaire lors de la pulpotomie, ces résultats négatifs constituent une preuve convaincante que l'exposition des enfants à l'élément formaldéhyde du formocrésol lors de la pulpotomie est à la fois sans conséquence et sans danger. Le formaldéhyde est un composé biologique que l'on trouve naturellement dans les tissus mammifères, les cellules et les liquides organiques. Neamatollahi H, Tajik A. Formocresol: 48.5% formaldehyde, 48.5% cresol, 3% glycerine. This offers the advantage of a strictly consistent and reproducible technique but the potential disadvantage is that the outcomes may be related to a superior operator rather than a superior technique. However, the original advantage of complete mummification, sterilization and metabolic suppression was lost. A review. J Can Dent Assoc. Iatrogenic Injury of Facial Skin due to Formocresol: A Case Report, Clinical and Radiographic Evaluation of Aloe vera vs Formocresol as a Pulpotomy Medicament in Primary Molars: A Double Blinded Randomized Controlled Trial, Amniotic Membrane versus Formocresol as Pulpotomy Agents in Human Primary Molars: An in vivo Study, Clinical and Radiographic Assessment of an Innovative Pulpotomy Technique Compared to Conventional in Primary Molars (Randomized Clinical Trial), Clinical and radiographic comparison of various medicaments used for pulpotomy in primary molars: A randomized clinical trial, BiodentineTM versus formocresol pulpotomy technique in primary molars: a 12–month randomized controlled clinical trial, One-year outcomes of MTA and modified Portland cement pulpotomy in primary teeth: a randomized clinical trial, “A COMPARATIVE EVALUATION BETWEEN FORMOCRESOL AND DIODE LASER ASSISTED PULPOTOMY IN PRIMARY MOLARS– AN IN VIVO STUDY”, The efficacy of Portland cement as a pulpotomy agent in deciduous teeth. ρ 1.1.3 Pulpotomy with Formocresol Better known a "The" Formocresol pulpotomy. Formocresol pulpotomy has remained a treatment of choice in primary teeth and is widely accepted 1. Composition of Formocresol. Commonly, the pulp remains half dead, half vital, and chronically inflamed [12]. One dog received 16 pulpotomies without formocresol application and served as an anesthesia control. Advantages: Disadvantages: Formocresol: Pulpotomy: Known to have high success rates: According to the International Agency for Cancer Research, one of the main components of FC, namely formaldehyde, has been classified as a human carcinogen: Ferric Sulphate: Pulpotomy: Achieves haemostasisCost effectiveEasy to use. Traditionally, a 5-min application time has been recommended; however, contact times of only a few seconds are probably equally effective. Clinical, radiographic and histological observations of the radicular pulp following “feracrylum” pulpotomy. Formocresol is a mixture consisting of formalin, cresol and glycerine used in dentistry. Formocresol was introduced by Buckley (1904). Formocresol concerns. cerns regarding the safety of formocresol as a primary molar pulp-otomy medicament. Formocresol is still considered a gold standard by which all new modalities are compared. 1995-08-01 00:00:00 Abstract This paper reviews the history, clinical success and concerns regarding the safety of formocresol as a primary molar pulpotomy medicament. alkylation and coagulation. Formocresol and calcium hydroxide therapy. It is used for vital pulpotomy of primary teeth and as a temporary intracanal medicament during root canal therapy.. Buckley's solution is a 20% form of formocresol, diluted with glycerine and distilled water.. De nombreuses études scientifiques ont démontré que le formaldéhyde inhalé ou ingéré se métabolise rapidement, et que l'atome de carbone est rapidement incorporé aux macromolécules réparties dans tout l'organisme. Journal of cutaneous and aesthetic surgery, International journal of clinical pediatric dentistry, By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our. Hence new materials like Pulpotec and Biodentine were used in this study to compare the success rates of the three materials. The alternatives to formocresol are discussed and their advantages and disadvantages are evaluated. Formocresol advantages. Formocresol is applied to the pulpotomy site on a cotton wool pledget. Formaldehyde … The alternatives to formocresol … Some of the main disadvantages are discoloration, costs and accessibility, which may block worldwide distribution of MTA where formocresol is relatively inexpensive and have global accessibility. Formovresol alternatives to formocresol are discussed and their advantages and disadvantages are evaluated. Each of these medicaments has advantages and disadvantages that are inherent to their use. Formocresol mode of action. Rien ne prouve que la quantité de microgrammes de formaldéhyde appliquée au tissu pulpaire pédiatrique pendant quelques minutes causera une toxicité à des sites éloignés. This paper reviews the history, clinical success and concerns regarding the safety of formocresol as a primary molar pulpotomy medicament. The alternatives to formocresol are discussed and their advantages and disadvantages are evaluated. results of a 5-min formocresol protocol, and since that time, complete mummification has been abandoned by the profession. Comparison of electrosurgery and formocresol as pulpotomy techniques in monkey primary teeth. Pulpotomy therapy in primary teeth: Seven pulpotomized molars 4. Deficits of electrosurgery and formocresol as a primary molar pulp-otomy medicament hence new like. Success and concerns regarding the safety of formocresol may vary substantially between 19 % 35! 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