exfoliative cheilitis blog

It entirely depends on what you mean by exfoliative cheilitis as it is a commonly misused term and can mean anything. We have more cases treated with Calendula that showed good results. The vaseline worked alot better than the oil, and I used it several times every day for the next year. He put another layer of liquid nitrogen on my lips and perscribed antihistamine medication for another two weeks and said to come back in two more weeks, but I see a huge improvement. He put liquid nitrogen on my lips and prescribed an antihistamine. This is an inspirational talk about self-image and outer appearance from a girl with a very rare syndrom that prevents her body from storing fat or building muscle. During 2001-2002 I was very depressed for many different reasons, acne being one of them. I have to moisturize at least every hour. They still got dry and my lower lip peeled, but much slower than in the beginning and less and less frequent, about every 3-4 days. One member (who is an biomedical student) posted quite an extensive treatment protocol that I'm going to try when I get to it (I have saved that post as a doc in the Group files). I will make another update in 1-3 weeks. My lower lip was much worse than my upper one, but both became very dry very quickly. (a mixture of Hydrocortison and anti-bacterial ingredients) to put on my lips for two weeks. My lips are slowly feeling better on the inside, but it is a slow process for the lips to heal. Causing inflamed lips, exfoliative cheilitis is also characterized by rapid and continuous peeling of the lips. What is exfoliative cheilitis? I have been using it two times a day for 39 days. Somehow I got the impression when I met her the first time this summer that she would not "let met go" so to speak, like all the other doctors have done, but I guess I was naive. It is a fungal condition. So far nothing have happened, either good or bad. The cream made the flakes on my lower lip yellow. I also noticed that the skin didn't really peel, it just stuck and got thicker. As you might have guessed, this blog is currently on hiatus; I have a new job that is taking most of my time and energy. I was contacted by Daniel on Facebook and checked out his blog. The only thing I noticed was that for a couple of days I got a new fordyce spot on my upper lip, which looked a bit red. Meditation, walking in green areas, exercise... We can not forget that we must consider the person. Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies. * Between the first and third doctor, I had a meeting with the skin doctor at Karolinska Institutet skin department. He gave me a steroid creme called. As I can remember, I had felt something was going on the day before. I like to ask the patient how are all parts of his/her life; like: mental, physical, spiritual, sexual, social, emotional, familiar, work.. For you I would ask to test thyroid hormones. * In 2005 I decided to try alternative treatments and met up with an. This forms brown scales that may be spontaneously shed or may be removed by the patient. I have not read this report myself in it's entirety but you'll find what seems to be a summary in a forum post, You can read the Protopic Patient Information Leaflet in it's entirety, You may not use any images on this site for, Lip status and treatment routine as of 2014, Facebook group is up to 68 members (plus some short news). Fordyce spots starts to appear on my upper lip during the year. There are quite some articles online about this, just google "protopic" and "cancer". Ouch. With exfoliative cheilitis, the skin in continually peeling off, revealing raw, sensitive skin underneath. I have done about four this year and have never experiences any problems though. I hope you all had a great holiday and New Year! We can do this people! Somehow I got the impression when I met her the first time this summer that she would not "let met go" so to speak, like all the other doctors have done, but I guess I was naive. I did that for two weeks and nothing happened except that the flakes on my lower lip turned white. * Dental filling. I got some new mails about a month ago; she could now provide me with the specific formula used in their study. (I did the root canal operation about two months before I got my symptoms in 2003), without any results. * I tried hypnotherapy (I was given autosuggestions while in a hypnotic - very relaxed - state), for a short while without results. I have done about four this year and have never experiences any problems though. Finally I take a paper tissue and dab it around my mouth a little to make the lips less ”glossy” looking. Still in denial, and thinking the lip issue would go away on its own, I noticed that my lips started to have discoloration. Some people believe fillings can be the cause of allergic reactions. I have been rubbing a thin layer of cream on the affected areas of my lips twice a day (in morning and before going to bed). I have had exfoliative cheilitis since 2003. She tried to treat me for four weeks with different kinds of pills dilluted in water (Natriummur LM I think they were called) without result. Maybe this long term stress has something to do with EC? The urge is to scrub or peel them, both of which exacerbate the issue substantially. More? He tried to treat me with. (only very wild guesses, I don't really have a clue). I started to use a new mouthwash when i moved into my apartment. , and to blog and youtube the results. This doctor also had me take a herpes test, but that did not show anything. It does keep it at bay with regular rubbing off of dead skin. According to the patient information leaflet Protopic have some common. Again the symptoms disappeared - and came back again when my medication was finished. * When I came back to Sweden I visited doctor#7. But on the whole pretty the EC is pretty stable. I last took this medicine about a month before my lip and perioral skin got extremely dry. Twitter. My lips have been good the last couple of years. In the beginning I experienced that the skin underneath the flakes was less raw than before, but now I'm not sure that was due to any effect of the Protopic (during this trial the skin's "rawness" have varied from peel to peel). It is called Zendium and I still use it today. Chronic Lip Licking: Exfoliative Cheilitis… April 22, 2020. And each time I did it, I would do it 3 or 4 times consecutively (so I guess you could say I did it around 30 times a day). She wants to use the same we have here, because she has read that Calendula plant in Brazil may have different properties. The cream feels like vaseline/petroleum jelly on my lips. * I also visited a dermatologist. The ointment is yellow, medium thick and melts quickly on your lips. This is one of the most painful experiences in my life so far. The main purpose of the group is to get an idea of how many of us there are in the world - right now - dealing with Exfoliative Cheilitis. But I was still very nervous and before we met I sent him a long message about my lips. Up until June 2009 my lips were almost back to normal. I still use the same beeswax ointment that I have been using for about ten years now. Both lips become dry if I don't use a lip balm. This doctor also sent my file as a referral to the Karolinska Institutet skin department in Stockholm, to examine my peeling lip condition I had told her about. If I don't do any manual peeling the skin builds up and whitens. If you want to connect with people with EC, consider joining the Facebook group. I will do a trial with Protopic, I just need to prepare myself mentally and regain some energy first. • Factitial- if the behaviour triggering the condition is attention-seeking. It seems promising but I only have a few days with it. As the years goes by the lips slowly become better. Lower lip peels on a daily basis. I combined that with drinking 2 liters of water a day and brushing my teeth 3 times a day. 1% should not be a big deal any way. I also took a blood test to see if I had any vitamin. Thank you for sending me such warm, honest, brave messages, mails and encouragement. I will not go into details about the discussion I had with the doctor about how to proceed with an evaluation of the treatment, new tests, research etc. So now I have started to apply a cream with probiotics. It started with a tingling sensation in the corners of my mouth and on my lips. That said, I chose to write this publicly (and not in a private email) in case it will help others.My cheilitis was not nearly as bad as yours, but I've had it on and off for two years. My current dermatologist Dr.Shail Gupta (His website) stressed a lot to me as to not to unnecessarily lick or bite my lips. He said it was seborrheic dermatitis. Notice the small area on the left side of the lower lip: it shows some signs of peeled skin and is slightly more red. Some types of cheilitis might need topical steroids while some don’t. Impetigo (caused by Streptococcus pyogenes and/or Staphylococcus aureus), can manifest as an exfoliative cheilitis-like appearance. She gave me Valtrex (500mg twice a day for five days). 250? She was not so sure my recent problems was cause by the HSV-1, but believed I had the right diagnose for my peeling lips (exfoliative cheilitis). After I did that, I would put hydrocortisone on my lips. My lower lip still turn white when in contact with water. He gave me another steroid creme called. * Between the first and third doctor, I had a meeting with the skin doctor. I started this blog 2009 to create something meaningful from this experience. There have not been any significant improvements in the last couple of weeks. According to the retailer (which I spoke to) it's 10% calendula. I went to get the root canal and had that taken care of. There is much activity on the Facebook Group wall: members post questions, treatment routines, encouragement etc. * Mouthwash. The lip looks best one of two days after a peeling. I started to use a new mouthwash when i moved into my apartment. I also know how extremely tough it is to live your life without peeling your lips and let the crusts build up (see my. I think it’s about time I wrote an update on my lip status and treatment routine. This is what my lips looks like most of the time. I have tried to put everything in a chronological order but I can not guarantee I remember correctly; I have been to too many doctors and tried too many treatments. Big mistake just looked gross nothing changed, new peel grew back every other day. She also admitted she had never seen anything like it (I had decided to stop using my lip balm a week before because I wanted to have something to show her), had never heard of it or knew how to treat it. Less hugs and kisses (since I broke up with my boyfriend). Basically she told me "we can't just do random test in order to find anomalies, and there is not enough people with your condition to initiate any research". Hi! It did not help at all. I have also used Borage oil for the last three weeks but I have not noticed any significant effects yet. (published in november 2009) I will do a trial with a calendula ointment. Contact me on: exfoliativecheilitis [at] gmail [dot] com Doctors prescribed hydrocortisone or strong antibiotic creams, all to no avail. I have been in contact with one of the authors of the article but she has not been able to name the specific ingredients of the ointment (she does not seem fluent in english and maybe did not understand my question). Possible also that the lower border on the lower lip have been a little more red than it was before. Work your butt off. Human touch boost the immune system, maybe that is why my lips were so healthy during 2006-2009? Two days before the outbreak I ate a rhubarb for almost an hour and got a lot of citric acid on my lips. Chronic Lip Licking is often seen in children and is also referred to as Exfoliative Cheilitis, or Cheilitis Exfoliativa.. He had not a clue what it might be, maybe an allergic reaction to fruit (I ate fruit on a regular basis). I gently rub off the loose skin with a cotton swab every morning and evening. Stay strong, lots of energy and love. * Doctor #8 gave me the steroid creme Emovat 0,05%. Two days before the outbreak I ate a rhubarb for almost an hour and got a lot of citric acid on my lips. I will not go into details about the discussion I had with the doctor about how to proceed with an evaluation of the treatment, new tests, research etc. :). The last one is a lette from an England girl that suffers wih exfoliative cheilitis. After about four weeks he just looked at my then quite crusty lip, shrugged and started to trim them with a small scissor. If you have any questions you can post them in the comments field and I will try to answer them as soon as I can. Life is in our hands. * My dentist also checked my fillings but could not find anything unusual about them. * Then I went to doctor #1. I also took a blood test to see if I had any vitamin deficiency but it did not show anything unusual (I was currently experimenting with a vegetarian/vegan diet). I'm still eating 500 mg Valtrex per day, so maybe that is countering some of the known side effects (like various forms of herpes simplex viruses). I can't say I was clinically depressed since I still could function socially in school and at home, but I had a lot of internal pressure for almost two years. As I have written in another post I suffered from exfoliative cheilitis for 8 months. * Root canal filling. If the skin is loose somewhere it usually peels when I bring the cotton swab to that area or when I rub my lips against each other. To allow the good to prosper, however, I needed to stimulate blood (hydrocortisone). This will be a very short summary of my 21 day trial with Protopic 0,1% (which ended january 10, 2010). We need all the data we can get on our condition, and it seems like it's up to us to create it. I have not noticed any significant improvement. They get dry, the lower lip peel, the skin underneath has been a different variation of "raw" (from mild to very raw – no blod though). * Less love. The facebook group has 68 members at the moment and the wall seem to be alive and kicking with activity. According to the patient information leaflet Protopic have some common (> 1%) side effects like skin irritation, rash and herpes viral infections. My personal experience with exfoliative cheilitis. According to Wikipedia Pharmacopoeia is a "book containing directions for the identification of samples and the preparation of compound medicines, and published by the authority of a government or a medical or pharmaceutical society." He said he knew exactly what it was: inflammation of the lip - cheilitis. I understand that this is the way things go (I have studied scientific theory and experimental design in university), but it made me angry and upset anyway. As far as I remember I only treated my acne with a cream (I have forgotten the name of the brand). I got my herpes symptoms after the first week I moved in. We have to find ways to deal with it. Her story reminds me of the question I was forced to ask myself time and time again during the first couple of years when the EC was really bad and I felt like a monster: How do I define myself? My lips feels kind of normal though, not warm or swollen, I just feel the crusts on top of my lower lip. I think I had dry lips sometimes, and I probably licked and bite them once in a while, but not on a regular basis. The skin on the lower lip peeled. Currently experimenting with paleo-inspired lifestyle (eating-/exercise/sleep habits etc). I've been searching for a blog like this with others who have experienced this issue. histamine antagonist). I can relate to much of what she is saying. Within a few days after I stopped taking Valtrex the symptoms came back. I don't know the reason for this, but instead of speculating about it I am just going to try the treatment so I can cross it off. He told me to stay off the fruit (especially the citric acid ones) for a while. at my local hospital: dental materials, food (mostly fruits and greens) and food additives. The main purpose of the group is not necessarily to chat but to get an idea of how many of us there are in the world - right now - dealing with Exfoliative Cheilitis. During this time I also changed my toothpaste every week to see if I was allergic. s you all know I blog very rarely nowadays, or check my ec-mail inbox – but it do happens! Factitial cheilitis is a rare diagnosis of exclusion that occurs most frequently in young women with a history of anxiety disorders and recent psychosocial stressors. It usually settles after about 2 weeks. Maybe I got the HSV-1 there? I have not experienced any side effects. As you have seen in the paper, our purpose was to, describe a case of recalcitrant exfoliative cheilitis that responded to treatment with a standardized topical preparation of. He tried to treat me with acupuncture and some kind of tea, and told me to lay off the fish. Exfoliative cheilitis is a progressive skin disorder that affects the lips. Doctors always refer to ‘putting more vaseline or lipbalm’ on the lips, but it makes my lips more dependent on it (caused bleeding when the lipbalm is not applied for 4 hours … Browsing through the group wall history I found that a similar poll had actually been created a couple of months earlier by by the member Aksh. I blog VERY occasionally nowadays. When the skin is starting to crust I loose my sense of touch there. In a couple of hours it grew and the lip turned red. As the months passed my condition had worsened. She advised me to use a moisturizer (vaseline) and try Protopic 0,03% (an antiinflammatory immunosuppressant cream). No more appointments, no evaluation of the treatment, no further tests. * Shortly after that I went to Wales to be a trainee for a company for five months (thanks to a scholarship). Don't give up, David, I know how it hurts to have this condition, but at the end of the day it's just a lip problem. It all started when I was 10 years old. Soon my lower lip was inflamed, sporting very small, barely visible blisters (I could not see them, but my doctor could). I may edit this post every now and then. It is not easy to deal with Exfoliative Cheilitis since there is not a quick treatment. If you (or anyone else) have any questions, I will be checking this post until October 31 2010. Factitial cheilitis can present as exfoliative cheilitis when it is due to attention-seeking or factitial behaviour or an obsessive - compulsive tendency to pick or chap the lips (exfoliative). Maybe the results would have been different if I tried the exact formula, with the brazilian calendula (as you can read in the mail below brazilian calendula may have different properties than the european one). I have exfoliative cheilitis that is better or worse depending in stress. You know, it its very difficult to publish case reports, but this one has brought a lot of interest from people that have the same condition. He gave me a steroid creme called Kenakort-T. He also motivated me to stay positive and not to live with it psychologically (asked me to stop thinking about it all the time). steroid cream on my lips. Send a friend request (not just a message!) My lip care routine has progressed over time since getting exfoliative cheilitis. * Citric acid. * Shortly after that I went to Wales to be a trainee for a company for five months (thanks to a scholarship). My lip status is pretty much the same as in the last post; the skin on my lower lips peels in thin flakes. Skin underneath is raw and very sensitive. She told me to use Hydrocortison steroid cream on my lips. There is a bunch content - personal stories, pictures, videos, questions, answers, cheering, caring and a whole lot of emotions. Basically she told me "we can't just do random test in order to find anomalies. I started this blog 2009 to create something meaningful from this experience. After discovering the fairly new case report, L. successfully treated exfoliative cheilitis: a case report. Lower lip is still peeling, about every 3th-4th day, but only small, thin segments of skin. Here is a summary: * I first called a nurse. The skin flakes maybe have become a little thinner nowadays compared to how they were 6 months ago. Generally I follow a diet that is a mix of the mediterranean diet, slow carb diet and the paleo diet: Root vegetables (sweet potatoes, potatoes etc), Alcohol (occasionally I like to kick my heels up sometimes but it rarely happens more than 4-5 times a year), Mindfulness practice: 10 - 40 minutes per day (body scan, focused breathing etc), Sun: I try to go outside for at least 15 minutes per day no matter the weather, A social life: Talking to/meeting family and friends on a daily basis, Engaging in stuff that is meaningful (to me) or interesting or just plain fun, I don't follow the above diet or lifestyle 100 % of the time. I have recieved the analysis result from the biopsy I did earlier this summer: it did not show anything significant/new except a general inflammation of the skin, i.e. This was very stressful experience because of my lips. Other dermatoses associated with erythroderma are listed in Table 1.2,3,6–8 I probably met a couple of more doctors and dermatologist, but I don't have any notes from that period. I had no blisters. My current peeling cycle looks like this: the skin builds up like before over the course of 1-3 days. I have exfoliative chelitis since 10 years now it is a condition where both top and bottom lips peels everyday in abnormal cycle leaving my lips extremely red and inflammed I have been diagnosed with steroid creams and lots of medications but nothing seemed to … The group is secret and will not be visible on your Facebook profile page. If you want to connect with people with EC, consider joining the Facebook group. About two months before I got my first symptoms in June 2009 I experienced a very stressful spring because I ended my realtionship with my boyfriend. Visit his blog, give him some love for putting his soul on the line. It consists of calendula and animal fat (pig fat), that's it. * In 2005 I decided to try alternative treatments and met up with an homeopath. It made all of the crusts come off really easy. This is my conclusion. The condition didn't worsen but it certainly didn't get better.What I find has helped me is the following, and hopefully it will work for you because I don't think you've tried it (but I don't know how it will work with your Valtrex): My holy grail item is hand sanitizer with 70% alcohol. However there is one documented case where Protopic have been a successful treatment ("Exfoliative cheilitis successfully treated with topical tacrolimus", Authors: M. Connolly, C. Kennedy. Some General EC Tips: 1. FYI I have been using Prevex cream on my lower lip for around 2 years. I was prescribed antibiotics and took them as prescribed. It's not possible to say whether this was linked to the Protopic or not. like skin irritation, rash and herpes viral infections. This problem has made me suffer for 6 months now. She did not even ask how (or if) I would cope with this, which I felt was a little strange considering that she has just confirmed that I have a chronic condition to which there is no consistent successfull treatment (except in one documented case), and that will not be researched because to few people suffer from it. If anyone reads this review and has info on exfoliative cheilitis and what may have helped them please leave a comment. This doctor also sent my file as a referral to the Karolinska Institutet skin department in Stockholm, to examine my peeling lip condition I had told her about. Some people believe fillings can be the cause of allergic reactions. The first layer of skin was pretty much gone and it burned. A big welcome to you all! Has not been confirmed OR refutated. with a message to my. They are often a little dry, but feels and looks almost completely normal. I have not heard of anyone that was cured completely. I try not get the lips wet (when I shower or swim) as this usually makes the skin peel more easily and makes the loose flakes turn white. I removed this filling a couple of years later but the symptoms remained. If there is any doubt please let us know. Up until 2003 I never had any problems with my lips as far as I can remember. It did not help at all. Contact me on: exfoliativecheilitis [at] gmail [dot] com As you know I'm very reluctant to the word "cure", especially using it before one has finished a trial/experiment and have been symptom free for a couple of months/years, but I totally support the idea of blogging and especially vlogging. It usually heals up pretty in a day or two. I did notice that my lips were thinner and more wrinkled than before I applied this cream. * The next week I visited doctor #4, He did not know what to do and did not give any treatment at all, but he put me on a waiting list to a skin specialist doctor. Posts Tagged: Cheilitis Chronic Lip Licking: Exfoliative Cheilitis… April 22, 2020. During 2001-2002 I was very depressed for many different reasons, acne being one of them. Common symptoms reported by people with exfoliative cheilitis. My lips slowly slowly started to get a little better during this year (less swelling, a little less redness), although the peeling of my lower lip never stopped. Two months before it all started again I experimented with a vegetarian/vegan/raw diet. Since january 3 fifteen more people have joined, and the group is now up to 28 members from around the world. The sensation is very similar to olive oil. I learned so much and this blog is an accumulation of what I learned online from people who I don't know (but am eternally grateful to), from my own experience and what suited me, and what doctors and friends have suggested. Since the chinese doctor had trimmed my lips and I had started to use vaseline again my lips actually looked pretty decent. Then every second day for two weeks. About three weeks ago I started a Protopic 0.03% (topical tacrolimus) treatment prescribed by my doctor. This is a chronic peeling and cracking of the lips. He gave me another steroid creme called Kenacutan for me to use for two weeks. Expert advice must be sought as with this condition there may be a chance of fungal infection in the mouth. cheilitis. Two months before my first symptoms appeared I did a root canal dental operation. * A couple of days later I met doctor #2. For me I think the best strategy is to manually peel the skin every day or every other day, because the lip seems to become more inflammed (more red) if I let the skin build up. Just leave your email address and I'll send you a private message. The most common of these are psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, contact dermatitis and pityriasis rubra pilaris. • Exfoliative - obsessive-compulsive with no intent of gain. I also asked here about the images in their study being identical and that they looked digitally manipulated, if you open the two pictures in two different tabs in your internet browser and then flip quickly between them you will see that it is the exact same picture. She did a biopsy on my lip (the procedure felt quite traumatic because I was not mentally prepared for it, but it healed completely in two or three days and there is not a single visible trace from it today), and told me that she would contact me in august about the results. On day 5 and 6 my lips look their best. I called my dentist, he wasn't available till Tuesday and they recommend that I go to the emergency room. He gave me the steroid creme Fucidin (a mixture of Hydrocortison and anti-bacterial ingredients) to put on my lips for two weeks. I did this for four week without any positive result. And we talked about this questions with both. I tried that for a couple of days. That did not help. She had no clue what to do and contacted a skin specialist to discuss it over. I've been trying the Maria Trebens calendula ointment 9% for about two months now. Chapped, dry, red, swollen as well as cracked lips are also called exfoliative cheilitis, which will be also a major cause of embarrassment as well as discomfort to many people all over the entire world. Consider joining the Facebook group has 68 members at the moment and the result did not what! Days with it but both became very dry very quickly one tablet two times a day and my! While ago I started this blog 2009 to create something meaningful from this experience did had... Experience and do n't use a lip balm and melts quickly on your profile information page lips would turn to... Them, both of which exacerbate the issue substantially on one without sodium laurel sulfate then lips! Your healing process heals up pretty in a day or two tried to treat me with acupuncture some! 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